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Friday, February 26, 2010

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for February 25, 2010.

February 25, 2010
In this latest edition, we look at more instances where the DVD cover art departs from the theatrical poster... and not in a good way.

Exhibit A: The Lovely Bones
Theatrical poster:

I didn't think this was the greatest poster, but Stanley Tucci's killer is ominously shadowed on the left hand side, with heaven beckoning to Saorise Ronan on the right.

The DVD cover decides Ronan is already in heaven by having her head take up half the cover art, with the title really huge, no Stanley Tucci, and nothing to indicate the brutal menacing act that overshadows the film. DVDs are really fond of the "floating head" phenomena to maximize star power, but why didn't they include Tucci, who is the film's sole Oscar nomination?

Exhibit B: Brothers

I rather liked this poster's stark black-and-white silhouettes of the three stars in this particular position: Husband and wife Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman, with Jake Gyllenhaal looking on somewhat longingly. Even if you had no knowledge of the plot, this told you a lot.

Given the film's camouflage colors and, once again, the floating heads, I think this film is about two brothers who are fighting together at war, and the woman (Portman, who clearly got third billing as indicated by the size of her head) who is left at home waiting. And Gyllenhaal may or may not be homeless.  And no, that isn't quite right.

Exhibit C: Up in the Air

Paramount was very daring not to capitalize on star George Clooney's looks to sell this movie. The three silhouetted stars, plus the tag line "The story of a man ready to make a connection" perfectly captures the movie's light/sad tone.

So what possessed them to letterbox in the art, replace it with a movie still of Clooney and Vera Farmiga (no artistic renderings here!) and go with the start black/white fonts on the chalk blue background? Is that supposed to represent sky? Or those in-flight safety brochures? I'm so baffled by this one, all I can think of is someone decided to copy director Jason Reitman's first movie poster (only this one is supposed to look like a cigarette pack, so the shrunken photo is part of the joke):

What do you think? Anyone like the DVD cover art better? --Ellen

February 25, 2010
Cute clip from Charlie & Lola, Vol. 10: I Can't Stop Hiccuping ( Charlie & Lola is the BBC series also seen on Disney Channel). --David read more


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