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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for February 1, 2010.

February 1, 2010

It's safe to say that Amanda Faddis and I could not be more excited for the final season premiere of Lost tomorrow.  As office-mates and fellow Lost fanatics, we tend to spend a lot of time dissecting each episode, sharing revealing post-episode blog posts and completely geeking out over our favorite moments and the cutest Lost guys (for the record - me: Faraday & Desmond, Amanda: Sayid & Sawyer).

Now, in anticipation of what is sure to be a completely awesome final season (here's hoping!) - Amanda and I decided to think back on the previous five seasons of creepy, strange, confusing and excellent television to figure out how the seasons rank.  Check our our season recap board below in all its chaotic glory (Huge Spoiler Alert):

The final countdown:

5th Best Season: Season Four

Despite introducing a few new favorites and the flash forward technique; fewer episodes thanks to a writers' strike and what felt like a rushed storyline made this our least favorite season.

- The switch to flash forwards
- The introduction of Farady, Miles and Charlotte
- Learning that some survivors will get off the island and the misery that they will endure as the Oceanic 6

4th Best Season: Season Three

While we finally meet the Others, the loss of Charlie and the random Nikki and Paulo story lessened our love for Season 3.

- Meeting the infamous Others (Petula Clark's "Downtown" in the season opener is one of the show's best moments)
- Desmond's flashes of the future and numerous attempts to save Charlie's life
- After almost 3 seasons of sexual tension, Kate and Sawyer finally hook up and poor Jack happens to witness
- The jaw-dropping Season finale
- One of our favorite characters, Charlie meets his end

3rd Best Season: Season Two

All things Dharma are what makes this season awesome; however we couldn't stand Ana Lucia.

- Everything with the Swan (Dharma videos and map of all stations, pushing the button, meeting Desmond)
- Meeting the tail section of the plane - including the mysterious Mr. Eko and seeing that Rose was right about her husband's survival
- After flash backs to his Iraqi Republican Guard past, Sayid finally tortues someone on the island and we love that it's Ben

2nd Best Season: Season Five

One word sums up Season Five for us: Jacob.

- Because smoke monsters, polar bears, ancient Egyptian statues, and a washed up Colonial-era ship aren't enough- the Lostees experience time travel and because its Lost, it was executed fantastically.
- Lots of love - "La Fleur" and Juliet, Desmond and Penny
- The introduction of a new plane crash, its survivors, and learning that they are not on the island by chance
- Meeting Jacob (!) - who would have thought that one of the biggest Lost mysteries would be partially revealed before the last season. Plus this has supplied Lost fans and bloggers with plenty to theorize until the Season Six premier
- More Richard Alpert and more eyeliner, which is always a good thing

1st Best season: Season One

After almost 6 years, it is hard to remember the first awe-inspiring season which started the obsession; however re-watch it and you will still be impressed.

- The plane crash istelf (did you know that the producers had to purchase an actual plane to recreate the crash? JJ Abrams did not want to use CGI).
- Overall super creepy tone from the lack of opening credits and the use of one note that ends each episode
- We learn that the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are not on just any island when they encounter a Polar Bear and a Smoke Monster
- The writers' use of flashbacks to slowly reveal to us the survivors' great back stories and how they are connected with each other wrong are we?  How would you rate each season? 

Season 6 premieres Tuesday and is already pre-orderable on DVD and Blu-ray.  Superfans might be interested to know the Complete Series Set is also available to pre-order now.

- Kira & Amanda

February 1, 2010
Who knew? I found myself staring during commercials for the BBC's " Emma ," which aired over the weekend, at its star, Romola Garai , thinking she was a new face. I was wrong. Garai, who stars as Emma: Is also the teen Briony from Atonement : And Ioan Gruffudd's spunky... read more

February 1, 2010
Coming May 25 is the Blu-ray edition of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog , one of the most entertaining shows I've seen in the last year or so. Neil Patrick Harris stars and sings as Dr. Horrible, a self-esteem-challenged villain battling superhero Captain Hammer (Nathan... read more


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