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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for November 24, 2009.

November 24, 2009

I must admit that when I volunteered to blog about the top 10 science fiction DVD and Blu-ray releases of 2009, I thought it would be a relatively simple task. However, before the day was over, I realized that narrowing it to only 10 would actually prove quite difficult. Then of course, there is the ranking thing, how do you decide the order? I won't bore you with the intricately complicated ranking system I devised to handle my new found conundrum, but I can assure it didn't involve picking names out of a hat. With that said, here are a handful of movies and TV shows that any fan of sci-fi would enjoy. 

District 9 - What would you do if Peter Jackson gave you 30 million to make a movie? Director Neill Blomkamp made the best sci-fi movie of 2009. Deep, enthralling, original, and action-packed, this movie will leave you breathless.   

Dollhouse: Season One - Joss Whedon, need I say more? An underground group of “Actives” who change their personalities for the whims of the rich and powerful, not to mention, Eliza Dushku is very easy to watch. Sure, Fox canceled it, but they also canceledFirefly.

Star Trek – JJ Abrams didn't disappoint. He kept it true enough to the original for the Trekkies (time warps are helpful for re-imagining story lines) yet refreshed it enough to introduce the franchise to a whole new audience.

Franklyn – Could be one of the best sci-fi films Americans haven’t heard of. A temporal twister set in contemporary London and a futuristic Meanwhile City. In the vein of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil, bring your thinking cap.

Ben X – A teen with Asperger’s syndrome finds respite from endless bullying at school in video games. A little bit like Donnie Darko, but with subtitles.

Watchmen – great comic book, great movie. Any questions?

The Prisoner: The Complete Series [Blu-ray] – Before there was Lost, there was the Prisoner.  A spy quits his job and wakes up on a mysterious island where people are given numbers instead of names. A constantly changing number two tries various methods to find out why he quit. Now you can revel in all that 1960’s mod high-tech weirdness in high definition since it’s now available on Blu-ray.

Logan’s Run [Blu-ray} – Made in 1976 and still good in 2009. Now on Blu-ray, so you can revisit all the incredible Oscar winning visual effects in stunning 1080p.

Fringe: the Complete First Season – I know, it’s another offering from JJ Abrams, but it’s a fantastic TV show. The FBI, a mad scientist, and his son team up to investigate seemingly related unusual crimes. Great to watch on DVD, because minor clues in one episode become important later in the season, I don’t recommend starting if you have anything pressing to attend to.

Monsters vs Aliens -  This one's for the kids. A young woman grows to an inch under 50 feet after being stuck in the head by a meteorite, gets locked away by the government, and is tasked with leading a team of 1950’s B-movie monsters to save the earth from an alien invasion. Sound like fun, right?   

See the rest of the top 100 DVDs, the top 100 Blu-ray discs, and many other lists at ---Mike


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