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Friday, November 20, 2009

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for November 19, 2009.

November 19, 2009

In celebration of New Moon's opening we are going to explore your favorite movie & TV vampires and put them head-to-head (or fang to fang). Feel free to chime in with your thoughts as we match up two different bloodsuckers every day this week.


Two old-school, control freak vampires with attitude problems and horrible luck in love.

Qualifier: There are many versions of both of these characters. This cage match is between the Lestat from the movie Interview with the Vampire, and not the book version. The Dracula character is from Gary Oldman’s portrayal in the 1992 film, Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

WHO?: Dracula (Gary Oldman), is the most famous of the vampires, and also known as the first vampire.  He is forever searching for the reincarnation of his lost love. People usually just get in the way of his goal, and when they do, he kills or eats them. Lestat (Tom Cruise) is a 6-foot tall, blond vampire with a flair for fashion. He is bold, defiant and conflicted.  He tends toward selfish introspection without much concern for the feelings of others. 

UN-UNDEAD SOULMATE:  Mina (for Dracula); Himself? (Lestat)

INSTEAD OF HUMANS, THEY DRINK FROM: Both actually drink from people.

PHYSICAL STRENGTHS: Dracula, once known as Vlad the Impaler, has major battle training. He also puts little to no value on any life, sometimes including his own. That sort of ambivalence could give him an advantage. Lestat’s resourcefulness and resilience lead him to survive fire and dead blood (which apparently can kill him). He’s selfish enough to turn anyone into a vampire in order to keep them as his companions, who on-screen are a Who’s Who of vampire hotness: (Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas).

PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES: These two are pretty well-matched physically, but their mental issues could make all the difference. Dracula is so confident in his ability to triumph, he runs the risk of underestimating his opponent. Lestat is extremely self-centered and might worry about getting his clothes dirty.

WOOING:  Dracula is only concerned with his Mina. He loves to the point of obsession, even though the original Mina has been dead for many years. Lestat is a charmer. He has well-honed seduction skills, but has no ability to keep a long-term relationship.

Which vampire would win this bout? --Shauna


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