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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for November 18, 2009.

November 18, 2009

Described as a movie that combines elements of documentary,  traditional storytelling, reality and fantasy - Paper Heart is original, refreshing and just flat-out enjoyable.

Comedian/actress/writer Charlyne Yi (Knocked Up, Semi Pro) sets out across the country with a camera crew in tow to find out about the meaning of love. Along the way, Michael Cera (Arrested Devlopment, Juno) becomes the object of her affection and Charlyne gets an unexpected lesson in L-O-V-E. It's awkward, funny, charming  -  and, um,  it even involves cardboard puppetry. Yes, I will say it - I HEART Paper Heart!

Charlyne has written a blog for Amazon talking about the making of Paper Heart. Read below and also check out the video clip of Charlyne attempting to interview actor Paul Rust

And with the holidays coming up, if you find yourself with an opportunity to take out that special someone - take some advice from one of the wise children in Paper Heart. When asked what a perfect date is, she replies "Take Someone to Applebee's and give them hot wings".

Pre-order your copy of Paper Heart on DVD or Blu-ray - perfect for a stocking stuffer if you ask me. -- Lisanne


We had roughly 5 pages of an outline, and other paper work with ideas of scenes. Which meant we had to improvise A LOT. The reason we did it this way is because I never learned how to read. I got kicked out school in 3rd grade. Seriously. As you read this right now, I am not even the one who is typing this. Someone is transcribing what I am saying. It’s funny that I wouldn’t even be able to read this to verify what they’re writing is correct. They might write that I am a total twit. Or that I like to eat…. I don’t know, something gross. Like.. um…….. food. Bad food. Yeahhhh…. Food that’s gone bad and expired! The rotten kind!

No. I am kidding. I do know how to read and there is no transcriber. I am the one typing these words. Though it’d make a better story if I couldn’t read or write, huh?

My apologies for tricking all of you. Ha, you should’ve seen your faces. SO FUNNY. Anyways, what is some secret tales about the making of Paper Heart that I can share? I’ll break it into chunks for you.


The first things we shot were without Michael. So we already made friends with the crew and we would always joke-scare the crew, telling them how Michael Cera is a diva who always had to have his raisins before every take or he’ll throw a temper tantrum. None of the crew was dumb enough to believe this. But it was something we talked about that made us laugh. And one day we thought it’d be funny if crew gave raisins would just hand Michael raisins without any explanation throughout the entire shoot.

So we handed raisins to our camera assistant, Clint, a very sweet well-mannered, keeps to his self type of guy. He was so nervous as he approached Michael with a little box of raisins. He handed it to Michael. Michael stopped Clint and said, “Wait, what is this for?” Clint terrified answered with, “It’s sundried.” I was far and behind Michael waving to Clint to walk away. He did…. But Michael stopped him and questioned Clint some more especially since Clint’s answer didn’t really answer Michael’s question. Clint just sort of froze in fear and things got really uncomfortable. Eventually Jake stepped in, and Clint made his exit. Jake explained the entire thing to confused Michael. Michael laughed and said, he wanted to freak Clint out by telling him, “Hey man, thanks so much for the raisins, that was so thoughtful of you. Here, I got you something too.” And Michael would hand Clint and brand new suit. For no reason. But the suit thing didn’t happen. The joke just sort of died after that.


Before we went on the road to film the documentary portion, Nick, Jake, & I made a pact as friends that the road wouldn’t destroy our friendship because we had heard the great tales how the road would change us and we would lose our minds and eventually want to kill each other…

The night before we went on the road we were sitting in Nick’s living room and Jake quickly leaned his bottom against my leg released the devil onto me. I had never had been farted on – or felt the long vibration of one. I couldn’t believe it. Jake had declared war…

From then on Jake and I would fart on each other in the van, restaurants, interviews – any time – any where. And some how our DP, Jay Hunter, tried to end the war because it was not only hurting us, but everyone else in the van. He gave a huge lengthy speech, explaining how immature we were… at one point Jake and I looked at each and smiled… Now, we didn’t say anything but we understood and were thinking the same exact thing at that moment. As soon as the Van stopped and Jay had stopped talking, we both farted on Jay. The war was no longer between Jake and I… but against a common enemy.

I remember one time Jay was chatting up some ladies at a bar, and I did a drive by and farted right in the middle of them. Some might say that I am disgusting or immature. Well, those people might be right. But Jake & I were soldiers in combat, and we were going win this war. And guess what? We did….


It’s crazy. Making this movie wasn’t like any other movie. We were actually out there on the road… on a true adventure. Driving from town to down, meeting strangers, going into biker bars, sleeping scary motels with blood stains. Roughing it up. And I will never forget the adventures we took on to get this film made. We may have not had a lot of money, but everybody who worked on this project had a lot of heart. And without that, we wouldn’t have lasted. I’m really grateful for everybody who believed in our project and was part of it. Cast, crew, strangers who let us into their lives and interview them. Because without them, we wouldn’t have this movie. It really was an incredible experience. And we are lucky. I don’t think many people get to do live through what we did. -- Charlyne


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