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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for July 28, 2009.

July 28, 2009

The first teaser trailer for Tim Burton's new re-imagined Alice in Wonderland is finally here.  I've been, admittedly, a teeny bit nervous about this new film (even my combined love for Burton and Johnny Depp couldn't turn Charlie and the Chocolate Factory into a movie I liked) - but I feel much more hopeful about Alice. The casting seems perfect (Alan Rickman! Crispin Glover! Stephen Fry! Oh My!) and that world he's created that is so very Tim Burton looks like a perfect match for the iconic and beloved story.

And because there is nothing I enjoy more than a walk down memory lane, presented here, my favorite scene from the original Disney classic (and perhaps the explanation of my lifelong aversion to eating oysters) - somehow I doubt this little gem will be included in Burton's new version, but I guess I'll half to wait and see.

Sure it's early, but sign up here to receive notification as soon as Alice in Wonderland hits DVD & Blu-ray. And the original Alice is locked away in the Disney vault right now, but see which classics aren't or are coming out soon (here's a hint, she has 7 special small friends).  ---Kira

Check out even more Walt Disney movies.

July 28, 2009
What's the funnest part of this blog? The lists? The trailers? The exclusive interviews? No--it's the free DVDs. Now through August 14, sign up for our e-mail digest , which provides daily updates on the previously-mentioned, only moderately-less-fun features, and you'll be entered for... read more


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