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Saturday, October 9, 2010

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Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for October 8, 2010.

October 8, 2010

This press release just arrived: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I will open in theaters on November 19, 2010, in 2D only instead of 3D. The complete text from Warner Bros.:

Warner Bros Pictures has made the decision to release Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 in 2D, in both conventional and IMAX theaters, as we will not have a completed 3D version of the film within our release date window. Despite everyone's best efforts, we were unable to convert the film in its entirety and meet the highest standards of quality. We do not want to disappoint fans who have long-anticipated the conclusion of this extraordinary journey, and to that end, we are releasing our film day-and-date on November 19, 2010 as planned. We, in alignment with our filmmakers, believe this is the best course to take in order to ensure that our audiences enjoy the consummate Harry Potter experience.

Producer David Heyman said, "For 10 years, we have worked alongside Alan Horn and the studio, whose priority has always been to preserve the integrity of Jo Rowling’s books as we have adapted them to the screen, and this decision reflects that commitment."

Director David Yates continued, "This decision, which we completely support, underscores the fact that Warner Bros. has always put quality first."

As scheduled, on July 15, 2011, we will deliver to conventional and IMAX theaters our final installment of the film franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2, in both 2D and 3D formats.

So there you have it. I did see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in IMAX 3D, and the 3D portion was only about the first 10 minutes--it was cool, and I would have liked to see the whole thing in 3D, but it's not like the rest of the movie was ruined for me because it was only 2D.  I wonder if bad reviews of Warner Bros.' converted 3D release of Clash of the Titans played any part in the decision. Somehow it reminds me of another Harry Potter press release I blogged, when the sixth movie was moved back eight months. At least we'll still be able to see the movie as scheduled. --David

October 8, 2010
Wishing Matt Damon a happy 40th birthday today. We know, he still doesn't look a day over 28, which is how old he was when he won that screenwriting Oscar for Good Will Hunting (and back then he looked about 20). He 's been so busy as an actor since... read more


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