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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today's Soupe du Jour: Manga Sticky Notes

Charles And Marie

Manga Sticky Notes

Don't forget the milk!

That's what you'd write on the standard yellow sticky note when you don't want to forget the milk. Right? How about adding some punch to that note? Yes, you could add a couple exclamation marks, but in the end, it's still just a yellow sticky.

That's where today's Soupe comes in. Manga inspired sticky notes that look like little speech or exclamation bubbles. You could also say they are comic inspired, but those come from Japan and the Manga is their equivalent…

In any case, we have 2 styles, the in your face 'what the *##*$%§' kinda note and the more subtle 'pssst' style… The choice is yours, we obviously recommend both!

Forgive us that we can't give you exact dimensions, but the images speak for themselves, but each pad has 50 notes, so plenty of chatter going back and forth…

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