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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for May 25, 2010.

May 25, 2010

Like you, I watched the Lost finale somewhat satisfied with the end (and if you've never watched it and want to and don't want to know the ending, PLEASE STOP READING NOW. you have been dutifully warned). And after stewing it over and reading the analyses, I have a few lingering questions that I'm hoping someone can answer for me. If not, then they'll just be part of the unanswered mythology that is this series (or, they'll turn up on the DVD).

1) When the bomb went off, does this mean Sideways World never really existed, but the world we saw represented purgatory? One blog explained that Jack plugging the carrot back into the cave of light "saved" everyone, because Allison Janney had once said if it went out, all the loved ones would die. And Jack plugging the hole is what allowed everyone to find each other (by now I really hope people who don't watch Lost aren't reading this, because I sound like a lunatic).

2) Why wasn't Michael (Harold Perrineau) in the church? I read the theory that Walt wasn't in there because the place was created for those who saw the plane crash as the most important/high point of their lives, and Walt clearly moved on and lived a full life somewhere else. I saw on Jimmy Kimmel Live that Perrineau theorized Michael was "still on the island, walking around as a ghost," but he didn't technically die ON the island, and plenty others did, but wound up in the church anyway.

3) Why do bad things happen with regard to the Numbers? Why did they appear on everything?

4) Why was the island at the bottom of the ocean at the beginning of Season 6?

5). Why could Hugo (Jorge Garcia) see dead people? Miles (Ken Leung) seemed to have the ability his whole life (something similar to Walt’s abilities), but Hugo’s was newly acquired – and no other candidates had that ability.

6). Why did the Others kidnap all the children (and Walt, Rousseau's daughter Alex, and try to take Aaron) from Oceanic Flight 815? Why couldn't the women carry children to term?

7) What happens to ageless Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell) when he leaves the island? (He had already begun to age) Does he start aging at a normal pace, or is he always going to be ageless (after all, he did travel back and forth to the U.S. to recruit Juliet)

8) If Daniel Faraday (Jeremy Davies) is the son of Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore, who is Penny Widmore's mom?

9) What was the deal with that flight attendant, who was taken by the Others and then showed up to "watch" Jack, Kate, and Sawyer when they were captured? Was she converted? Was she always in on something?

10) What is the significance of Jacob's cabin, including the ash, the lantern, objects moving, etc.?

11) Why did the Man in Black turn into the Smoke Monster when he was thrown into the cave, but nothing happened to Desmond or Jack? What's the Man in Black's name, anyway?

12) Did the light serve any other purpose to the outside world? Other than cause immortal people to become mortal, or turn people into smoke monsters?

That's what I got for now. More to come later, but any answers to the above are welcome. -- Ellen

P.S. This video also asks some unanswered questions.



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