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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for March 2, 2010.

March 2, 2010

After making audiences laugh for years on SNL, Chris Kattan's latest adventure is attempting to conquer Bollywood. Yes, you read that right. In the new musical comedy miniseries as seen on the IFC, Bollywood Hero, Chris is fed up with Hollywood and accepts an offer for a role in India. Trying to fit in with the culture, fight the bad guys, win the love of beautiful women and master dance sequences (Slumdog Millionaire style) - it's quite the entertaining ride.

Read Chris's hilarious thoughts below about making this miniseries, the guest stars, the dance sequences, why he needs a date, and of course Mr. Peepers.....

Q: You are starring, executive producing and writing for Bollywood Hero. How did the whole project come about and what made you want to be involved with it?

CHRIS: I actually had been in India before.  I was there to buy a bunch of pirated video copies of Chronicles of Narnia.  At the time it had just come out in the theaters and I had to get copy.  Plus I loved that crispy bread they eat.  When the producers heard of this they approached me and the rest is history (laughs).

Q: To a viewer that hasn’t heard of the miniseries, how would you describe it?

CHRIS:I would describe it by saying it’s an epic comedy mini series in 3 parts that’s shot entirely in India and is truly funny with some amazingly well shot scenes with 5 huge incredible dance sequences.  Originally I would have said it’s a rock em’ sock em’ down right dirty celebration of humanity, desire and sex? Wait…let me check my files…. Yes, sex.

And even though that comment may be a genius thing to say, it might also sound offensive.  So I will rephrase it by saying, its is a highly entertaining incredibly well made 3 part mini-series. Where I play, a normal and down to earth, but still funny version of myself along with talented guests, such as Maya Rudolph, Jennifer Coolidge, Andy Samberg and Keanu Reeves.  It’s funny; it’s beautiful to watch, and very entertaining.  Great to rent.  Over and over! And there’s tons of sex.  Damn!  I said it again.

Q: You are playing yourself in the movie. What is that like? Is it a reality show or scripted?

CHRIS: To play myself in the movie is very difficult because I have to wear a lot of wigs.  Actually it’s best described by saying it’s like my Curb Your Enthusiasm, but I’m in India.  And it is scripted.  And like David plays a negative version of himself, I play a very heroic and leading man version of myself that just doesn’t quite work in the sexy dancing epic world of intense film making in Indian Cinema.  That’s the third time I said “sex.” Something is wrong with me. I need a date.

Q: This is a mini-series, but any chance it will be developed into a regular show?

CHRIS: It took 10 weeks to shoot the entire mini-series in Mumbai, India.  With one week in LA, which is where Keanu Reeves and Samberg and David Alan Grier did their stuff, which appears in the first episode.   A series would mean I would probably need to live there for a while and if I did, I would really miss my Entertainment Tonight and Sponge Bob’s. And Kraft Singles of course.  I would miss those horribly.  So if we did do another season, it would probably be another mini series.  There are too many factors to film around, a monsoon for example.  Not the easiest natural possible disaster to work in.

Q: What was it like shooting in India? Any favorite memories?

CHRIS: It was a life changing experience to film there.  Think Slumdog Millionaire but funny. Sort of.  Beautiful, struggling, hard work, but man did it come out good. Beautiful locations all over India, Big beautiful Bollywood stars.  Super hot, didn’t get one kiss, but super hot. Not even a peck on this kiss.  10 weeks, nada.  Whatever!

Q: You have several key crew members from Slumdog Millionaire working on your show, including Longinus Fernandes who choreographed the ending dance sequence in Slumdog. Does that mean there will be plenty of Chris Kattan dance sequences?

CHRIS: We were blessed to work with Longinus Fernandes who received an Oscar for his work in Slumdog Millionaire.  He was brilliant, and crazy. It was an honor and I can only describe how awesome the dances are in Bollywood Hero.  Crazy good.  And the music they chose is so damn good.  It’s just so fun to watch and it truly makes you feel good. A rare thing to feel when watching anything.  Except occasional porn.

Q: Of course we have to ask about SNL - Do you stay in touch with your SNL castmates? Any plans for return guest appearances anytime soon?

CHRIS: I do stay in touch with SNL cast members; we all do bbq’s at each other’s houses on the weekends in our old SNL character outfits. I dress as Mango, Will as a Cheerleader, Molly as Mary Katharine. It’s very sad actually.  But the owner of the event, who’s actually my dad, pays us about 12 bucks an hour so it adds up pretty good. 

Q: Speaking of SNL, how do you think Mr. Peepers would fair in India?

CHRIS: Mr. Peepers would do pretty well in India until he was captured by the local Slumdog and forced to prostitute for apples.

Q: Are there any TV shows you are obsessed with lately? Favorite DVDs you have seen recently?

I love Mad Men. 60 Minutes. And the Olympics.  I hate to say, but when they fall during figure skating, it’s hilarious. Old fashioned falling down humor.  Get’s me every time.

Once you have stopped laughing from this, experience the charm of Bollywood Hero yourself -  it's now available on DVD. Enjoy! --Lisanne

March 2, 2010
Watching the Olympics' closing ceremonies, I loved all the appearances by Canadian artists, especially the actors who proudly expressed their love for their motherland. So thank you, Canada, for giving us the following contributions to movies & television (notably, Tom Green is not on the list).... read more


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