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Monday, January 25, 2010

Amazon Blogs: Armchair Commentary Daily Digest

Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for January 24, 2010.

January 24, 2010
From our Who Knew? Department: Sunday, January 24, is Belly Laugh Day. Yup. I'm celebrating by going for a round of snort-laughs with some pals.
  • We're re-watching Borat, which I originally saw while recovering at home from laparoscopic surgery via my abdomen. I don't know why I thought watching a comedy was a brilliant idea, so I'll blame it on the meds. I nearly busted my stitches during the part where a group of guys show Borat how to wear droopy pants proper: "Don't show your Huggies!" Sacha Baron Cohen fans already know he'll stop at nothing to get a laugh and that includes wearing a one-piece man-kini thong exposing more fur than a PETA rally. Give Cohen credit for being an equal opportunity offender. "Borat" is a stready stream of politically incorrect humor, but it's nothing compared to Religulous . . .
  • My friend Alexis and I saw Religulous on the big screen in a theater where we were stifling our laughs, hands cupped over mouths, in order not to offend anyone sitting nearby. As it turned out, nearly everyone in the theater was laughing too. All's fair n Bill Maher's documentary-comedy which takes a skeptic's view of the logic of religion. Yes, a deep topic can be funny and it was nice to be able to walk out of the theater knowing everyone else was laughing along, too. Watch Religulous at home and feel free to donkey-laugh as loud as you want.

  • Another good home-screener is Superbad. Yes, I'll admit to giving Superbad the side-eye when it first came out. It's so easy to sneer at a "teenage comedy." But there I was with my finger on the DVD remote, flipping back to savor another Jonah Hill one-liner (What DID he just say about cargo shorts?) And proving Superbad isn't just another teen comedy, my 60-ish bus driver and I were chatting about movies we liked and he started quoting his favorite lines from Superbad . Of course, these were "clean" lines from the movie, but soon a few other riders joined in the conversation and shared their favorite lines. It was an interesting bus ride that morning.

  • My uncle has a well-worn copy of Blazing Saddles on VHS that still gets play in his house. Once was enough for me, but he still insists, "Come here and watch this campfire scene!" Hey, we all have our limits.
So in honor of Belly Laugh Day, it's your civic duty to line up some laughs. Just be sure to hold on to your stitches. What movie, no matter how highbrow or downright dumb, has made you laugh the hardest? -- Francine Ruley
January 24, 2010
I just ran across two trailers, one for Diary of a Wimpy Kid , opening April 2. I'm a fan of the books so I'm looking forward to seeing if the movie can re-create their distinctive personality. Another is Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief , opening in... read more


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