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Friday, October 9, 2009

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Check out these Updates from Armchair Commentary for October 8, 2009.

October 8, 2009

So tonight’s the night Jim and Pam finally get hitched, in an episode of The Office written by Greg Daniels (creator of my beloved King of the Hill) and Mindy Kaling (who plays Kelly on the show) and directed by Paul Feig (one of my Twitter faves: Happy couplings are usually blamed for killing shows, but I think that won't happen here because this show was never about just Jim and Pam. We had Dwight and Angela, Michael and Jan (and Holly), Ryan and Kelly. Not to mention the actual office ridiculousness, like diversity training, sexual harassment training, mergers and money problems. Anyway, here are my top three sweetest Jim and Pam moments (with the expectation that tonight's wedding will become the new No. 1):

Best friends: At the end of “Beach Games” in season three (you can watch it instantly here), Pam serves up a heaping platter of honesty to her coworkers. "Some of you act like I don't even exist," she says. Then she addresses Jim, the man for whom she has more then merely existed, she has shined. They may never be together, she says, but she misses his friendship. Clearly, knowing him has made her the woman who can walk across hot coals and will soon move out from behind the receptionist’s desk.

The first kiss: In the second-season finale, "Casino Night," when Pam’s then-fiance drives off, leaving her and Jim alone with their feelings, and he confesses his love (you can watch it instantly here). She responds with what she’s supposed to say: He misinterpreted their friendship, she’s sorry. Then we see her on the phone with her mom, processing the moment and telling her “he’s my best friend.” When Jim finds her and kisses her (misinterpret that!), well, I got chills.

Finally ... To me, though, the sweetest moment is this, from “The Job,” which is the finale of season 3: Pam is explaining to the camera that she’s sure Jim got the job in New York (you can watch it instantly here). Why wouldn’t he? Because he’s just that great. “If he never comes back again, that’s OK. We’re friends and I’m sure we’ll stay friends. We never got the timing right, you know? … It’s OK. I’m totally fine.” She’s not, of course. But just then, Jim busts in and asks her to dinner. Like it’s nothing, but it’s everything. Her eyes glisten, and she loses her train of though. “I’m sorry, what was the question?” Well, the question is, will you take this person to be your lawfully wedded spouse. Can’t wait to see it (it'll be available commercial-free at Amazon Video On Demand tomorrow, where you can get the first few episodes of this new season now). -- Stephanie Reid-Simons, Amazon Video On Demand (Twitter: amazonvideo and Facebook: Amazon Video On Demand)

October 8, 2009
October's Horror Spotlight DVD is the 1981 cult classic, Happy Birthday To Me . Just in time for Halloween, Anchor Bay is re-releasing this DVD with the corrected music score and cover -- restoring this fan favorite slasher film to its rightful glory. Read below for David... read more


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